Qingzhou Yihua Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd.




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Qingzhou Yihua Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd.
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Email: qzyien@foxmail.com
Add: Qingzhou Street Industrial Park, Huang Lou, Weifang, Shandong Province

How to prevent low temperature attack in glass-building greenhouse shed

  Glass connected GreenhouseIn the construction of the shed must pay attention to do a good job of safety protection measures, after the completion of the measures to prevent low temperature, at present, the winter is approaching, glass in the greenhouse to prevent low temperature measures to be put on the agenda, and then Qingzhou Yi-eun Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd. to introduce you to a glass greenhouse shed to prevent low temperature measures.

Winter comes when it's rain and snow, and it cools down, which makes people caught off guard. For plants in the glass-connected greenhouse, we need to do a good job of preventing low temperature measures for them.

To think of indoor insulation. Can take the film cover, buckle small arch shed, moving screen surface and other multi-layer coverage method insulation. In the continuous glass greenhouse around the inside of a number of layers of grass to wind and heat preservation. Fluorescent lamps can be installed in a glass greenhouse shed for a longer period of time, which can also increase the temperature.

The second is indoor heating. When the outside world cools a lot very cold, you can use firewood or coal to burn up, thus through the stove, flue and direct heat dissipation to increase room temperature. Where conditions are available, hot water, hot air and steam discharged from wineries, paper mills, smelters, etc., can be used as a heat source for glass greenhouses. Increase the application of hot organic fertilizer, that is, before planting vegetables, buried some organic fertilizer in the ground.

Then there is the outdoor insulation work. Soil around the greenhouse, increase the thickness of the walls of the glass-walled greenhouse. A windproof barrier is erected around the greenhouse to reduce wind speed. Dig cold trenches around the glass greenhouse, fill the ditch with slag, rice husk, etc., cover the top of the ditch, keep the ditch dry. Increase the mulch of a large glass greenhouse, such as thickened grass and so on. Do a good job of connecting and plugging the joints of the various parts of the glass greenhouse to prevent the cold wind from invading.