Qingzhou Yihua Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd.




Product Showcase

Qingzhou Yihua Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd.
Sales of a LU total: 18453606698 (WeChat same number)
Sales of two Yan total: 15653682189 (WeChat same number)
Sales of three Lu total: 13869627750 (WeChat same number)
Contact Guo: 15163625875 (WeChat same number)
Email: qzyien@foxmail.com
Add: Qingzhou Street Industrial Park, Huang Lou, Weifang, Shandong Province

How to choose the thermal insulation plastic film in the construction of thin film continuous greenhouse

We're here.Thin film connected GreenhouseIn addition to the need to choose a reliable construction team, but also need to buy a good need to use the material, do not delay the progress of the project. Now Qingzhou Yihua Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd. here for you to explain how to choose a large greenhouse in the construction of insulation plastic film?

The quality of thermal insulation plastic film in the construction of thin film continuous greenhouse will be directly related to the heat preservation effect of the greenhouse, but also will be related to the future growth of vegetables good, and a large part of the reason is because of the greenhouse insulation plastic film caused, insulation plastic film directly affect the future use, so the greenhouse insulation plastic film is more important.

At present, the market insulation plastic film types are still many, and different insulation plastic film solar greenhouse construction in the production process of different difficulties, insulation plastic film use of the higher the difficulty is relatively higher, the price is relatively high, if it is the solar greenhouse construction of the insulation plastic film requirements are relatively low, For the product requirements are also low, then for the greenhouse construction side of the demand is also relatively low, nature is the price also has a great concession, so the insulation plastic film problem directly and product quotes are closely related.

In order to buy out high-quality insulation plastic film products, then, we need to carefully design the greenhouse insulation plastic film problems before purchasing products.

The above content is our company for you to choose in the selection of thin Film company in the construction of insulation plastic film in the process of attention to the matter, I hope you choose this product when you can pay attention to the above problems.