Qingzhou Yihua Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd.




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Qingzhou Yihua Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd.
Sales of a LU total: 18453606698 (WeChat same number)
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Contact Guo: 15163625875 (WeChat same number)
Email: qzyien@foxmail.com
Add: Qingzhou Street Industrial Park, Huang Lou, Weifang, Shandong Province

Three details to be noticed in the construction of a continuous greenhouse

  Company GreenhouseConstruction is now more popular in our lives, more and more farmers like to use greenhouse to carry out planting work, the emergence of greenhouse shed so that we no matter what season of vegetables can be eaten at any time, this is the main reason people like to use greenhouse shed.

However, we need to pay attention to the following issues when building greenhouse greenhouses:

1. The problem that needs our attention is the transmittance of crops in greenhouses. Greenhouse is the preparation of light transmittance setting, so the problem of light transmittance in greenhouse shed is a reflection of the quality of greenhouse engineering. The transmittance is the percentage of light in the solar light into the greenhouse and the amount of light outside the house. The light transmittance of the generally better greenhouse is around 50%-80%.

2, second, in the selection of construction materials also need to understand the length of use of the greenhouse. In the greenhouse project, we began to take into account the service life of the greenhouse, and the life of the greenhouse depends on the greenhouse building materials, the better the material, the longer the use of the greenhouse, the better the use effect, at the same time, the use of the greenhouse will be greatly increased. Due to the long-term use of greenhouses at high temperatures, in order to be able to use the structure of greenhouse huts for more than more than 10 years, most of us now use thin-walled steel and galvanized treatment.

3, there is a point to pay attention to the problem is the durability of the greenhouse. Increasing the temperature is necessary for the greenhouse to operate normally in winter, but this increases the loss of energy, so improving the greenhouse insulation capacity, reducing greenhouse energy loss is the performance of energy saving, we usually use the greenhouse insulation ratio to measure the quality of the greenhouse, the greater the greenhouse insulation rate, the better the greenhouse performance, which also means that the greenhouse.