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Qingzhou Yihua Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd.
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Add: Qingzhou Street Industrial Park, Huang Lou, Weifang, Shandong Province

How to distinguish between a greenhouse and a solar greenhouse

Know the small partners of the greenhouse shed, should have heard the glass greenhouse,Company Greenhouseand solar greenhouses, in which glass greenhouses are well understood, is to glass as the main lighting material, it is suitable for different regions and climates. But about the two greenhouse types of condominiums and daylight, many friends can not be divided, for this we consulted the Qingzhou Yihua Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd. related personnel, next to you to introduce the following.

Even the greenhouse in the current use of the process is also known as a large shed, in fact, its existence is a transformation of the ordinary greenhouse shed products, its use covers a relatively large area, because in the use of the ordinary greenhouse in the process of the selection of a single room greenhouse, and our building is the individual greenhouse is a good connection together, So its available space is larger than that of traditional greenhouses. From the point of view of handling the analysis, this greenhouse is better to take care of, the operation is also more convenient, and also save a lot of time, indirectly improve the work efficiency of staff.

What is a solar greenhouse, it is actually a type of greenhouse in the northern region, people gave it a very beloved name, warm shed. Its facilities are relatively simple, the main choice is natural light, we all know that the northern region of winter is very cold, but this kind of warm shed does not need to be heated to cultivate crops. This kind of heater according to the front roof can be divided into arch circle, 20 percent type, 30 percent type, according to the structure type can also be divided into steel wood structure, reinforced concrete structure. It is characterized by good insulation, energy conservation, low capital contribution, more suitable for economic development is relatively backward areas.